Wednesday, January 26

Hall Monitors on the Street

They’re posting hall monitors on the street now. There have been a lot of nieghborhood complaints about our students on the way to and from school so I guess we have to monitor that now too. I passed a hall monitor with a radio while on my way to the train station. I crossed under the tracks and into a crowd of students who were avoiding the monitor. I don’t know what they were plotting but when they saw me they scattered like cockroaches from light.
The behavior seems to be getting worse at school. It seems like the disruptions are constant now. As soon as you get one student focused, two more are working on getting everyone else unfocused. Grades come out soon and they won’t be good. Maybe the new quarter will help.
It’s class again tonight. This is the professor that I don’t like. I have to try to smooth things out tonight. Last night’s class was a little better. It went to the bitter end, though. We used every second of class time and didn’t get out until 9:15. By that point, I really didn’t care at all about the Social Foundation of American Education. Come to think of it, I never did.

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