Friday, January 7

The First Week Back is Always the Longest

The first week back in school is always the longest. It seems like it will never end. Two of our juvenile delinquents got in a fight today, or so it seemed. I saw a big group of students crowding around in the hallway. That usually means a fight. I rushed down and saw an administrator holding Deon, who was flailing around wildly. Whatever had happened, it was now over. Deon got hauled off in one direction, Malcolm in the other. Class would be easier without Deon. I wouldn’t really miss him. I might miss Malcolm but class would be easier without him, too. Then, Deon came to class. It turns out that they weren’t really fighting after all. Deon was getting ready to fight some girl and Malcolm pushed him off her. They didn’t get suspended, but maybe a couple of days of In-School Suspension.
I’m looking forward to this weekend. I’m still nursing a cold. I haven’t been getting enough rest to shake it and I have to use my voice with the kids. Hopefully, I can get some rest. Every weekend I think I'm going to rest but I never do.

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