Monday, November 15

Second Quarter (Round Two)

Round Two got off to an explosive start today. We had two fights before the opening bell. I was at my post in the hallway as the kids were coming into the building. Suddenly, I noticed a group of students gathering around. That's a sure sign of a fight. I got there and saw Mr. Latin standing between two girls who are screaming at each other. Mr. Latin is pushing them apart and yelling at them to back away. Neither girl will. I grabbed one by the shoulder and pushed her back down the hallway. Mr. Latin took one to the office while I stayed with the other one.
“What was that all about?” I asked.
“Yesterday, I was talking to my friend on the phone and she grabbed the phone and started cussing at me.”
As Mr. Latin entered the office, the principals went running out. They were on their way upstairs to break up another fight. That one turned out to be two of my students, Kanika and Allison. It must have been serious because they got suspended for ten days apiece. When the fights start early in the morning then it’s usually a carry-over from something that happened before school. The gangs are the same way. They’ll feud on the street then it erupts in school because they’re all here together. This was the first day back from a four-day weekend. It was our first holiday of the school year. Everyone had plenty of time to get in trouble over the holiday so they were crazy today. I swear the crime rate must jump when we’re out of school.


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