Tuesday, November 30

Head Start Teacher is a Real Role Model

Update on Shauna—Mr. Burns said that the conference ended better after I left. Ms. Lamb, who has been teaching here for over thirty years, said that she taught Shauna’s mother but that she didn’t remember her being that bad. I went by the principal’s office to talk to them about the conference. The principal said that he had the referral. He agreed with me that the conference had been a complete waste of time. He said that both Shauna and her mother had yelled and cussed at him in his office. By the way, I was wrong. Shauna’s mother does not work for the after-school program. She works in our school for Head Start. That’s right. She works with preschoolers.
I next talked to the school police officer. I told her about the baiting that was going on between Malcolm, Shauna, and DaSean. She said that although Shauna is not part of the gang, she believed what I was saying about trying to incite Malcolm. We talked about “Crime Mob”. Even if it is the legitimate organization that Shauna’s mother claims it is (and it isn’t) then there were other things that Shauna wrote on the paper that tie her to gang activity. It’s pretty clear what Shauna was trying to say.
The professional specialist caught up to me today. She’s going to observe my class next week. I can’t wait.