Tuesday, November 16

Parent Conferences Coming Up

Parent conferences are Thursday. We’ll get a half-day with the students but then we’ll end up staying until eight at night with the parents. It’s going to be a long one. Fortunately, we get a half-day Friday, too. I saw a list of the parents who are scheduled to meet with us. Mostly, they’re the parents that we don’t need to talk to. What a surprise, the parents who are involved in their kids’ lives have pretty good kids. There are a few on the list, however, that we really need to talk to. Rodney’s parents are on the list. I’m honestly worried about that one. Maybe his dad will come in and threaten me again. Some of the other teachers have told me that Rodney passed their classes. I’m not sure how that’s possible. Can he be that much better for them than he is for me? Or are the teachers bumping his grade up to avoid problems? Am I going to be the one singled out at the parent conferences?