Tuesday, April 26

Too Much Pressure

Arome was awful today. She held her own class at the back of the room. She did no class work and she refused to stop talking. What am I supposed to do now?
Macolm got suspended today. He showed up at the bus stop with a BB gun. Then, he shot Shauna in the neck with it. This will probably be the last of him for the school year. It’s too bad. I just talked to him about bringing his grade up fourth quarter so that he won’t have to go to summer school. He seemed up to the challenge. Now, I feel like I’ve wasted all the time I spent on him this year. Mr. Burns just had a talk with him, too. Mr. Burns gave him a new notebook and everything. It seems that Malcolm was failing all his classes and really needed to do better this quarter. He’s smart enough to do it. Maybe the pressure was just too much.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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