Monday, March 14

Pi Day

It was pi day today. Get it? 3/14, pi=3.14 Our math teacher celebrated with pie eating contests in her class. It’s a fun idea but the students were getting crazy. They showed up for class on a major sugar high. Rodney, in particular, was obnoxious (more so than usual). My mood didn’t improve when the counselor told me that his mother wants a conference with me. His behavior has improved in class (thanks to all the extra time and energy) but he’s still failing.
Most of the kids have been improving. The expulsions have removed a lot of our least cooperative students and the others have improved without having the chronic troublemakers around. Deon has been moved to the alternative program. I ran into the alternative teacher and she said he’s doing great. Yeah, I think he’d be doing great in my class too if I only had three students. I’m happy for him, though. We’ve been trying since first quarter to get him in alternative. Why does it take so long? We’ve wasted so much effort on this kid.
I’m taking tomorrow off. I have to write a couple of papers for class. I’m starting to get behind now and I really don’t care. I find myself sitting at the computer and just staring at the screen. It’s my last semester. . .

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