Thursday, October 7

Smart Kids Gone Bad

I just heard that Nick, one of my former students, might be expelled. I had him for most of last year before they took him out and put him in the alternative program. I guess he just got back from a suspension today and he got into another fight. He ended up pushing another student into a teacher. That’s sad. The kid is crazy, it’s true, but there are always a few of the bad ones that have a special place in my heart. He was never mean or nasty to me. True, he never let me get through a lesson uninterrupted, but I thought he had potential.
Loco is like that this year. What is he, like sixteen years old? He never stops but he’s funny. He makes me laugh in spite of myself.
I sent DaSean out today. I gave him a couple of warnings and then on strike three I sent him to the time-out room. I had the referral all filled out and waiting. I wasn’t going to let him bug me for the entire period like he did the other day.