Monday, September 13

First Monday Back

Why does the morning have to be so early? Who made the weekends so short? It’s our first Monday back in school and our first full week of school. It started out with a meeting for 7th grade science teachers that wasted most of my planning time and, as near as I can tell, accomplished nothing. The kids were on me early. My third block is nice and quiet, though. Maybe too quiet. When I ask for volunteers no one wants to read. Still, I’d rather have it that way than the other way.
My fourth block noticed the classroom bird feeder. When the birds started squabbling the kids were picking sides. The only problem is that no one could tell the two birds apart. As near as I could tell, the small feisty bird chased off the larger one. It just goes to show you—it’s not the size of the bird in the fight; it’s the size of the fight in the bird. The kids loved it. Loco was trying to place bets on the outcome.
Right now, I’m riding the metro to my evening class. I had to leave school right behind my students and then walked past them as they were lounging home. Being a teacher is like being a celebrity, but only when school is out. While I was walking to the train station kids were leaning out of bus windows and shouting "Mr. Moore! Mr. Moore!"
I have to make it to class by five. All this so that I can get a permanent teaching license instead of the provisional license I’m on. I took the Biology Praxis test on Saturday. It didn’t seem too bad. We’ll see in 4-5 weeks.