Friday, September 10

Day of Firsts

I’m tired. I’m glad it’s Friday. I have to take my Biology teacher certification test tomorrow morning and I better study tonight. I haven’t studied as much as I would have liked to. I’ve got a kind of achy feeling in my body that I haven’t felt since last school year. It’s the feeling you get when you’re just counting the periods until school gets out on Friday. Only now that it’s out I’m still tired.
It was a day of firsts! I sent my first email to a parent today. Actually, I guess it’s to his aunt/legal guardian. It always makes me nervous. I’ll probably come in on Monday and have a nasty message waiting for me or an angry guardian at my classroom door. Her kid is a real pain, though. He just doesn’t know when to stop. When to stop talking. When to stop fooling around in the halls and come to class. When to stop fooling around in class and get into the hallway.
I guess there have actually been three 7th graders suspended already. Schools with a lot of suspensions are usually frowned on but for us it would be a great thing. I don’t think we want to discourage our principals from suspending. The kids already get away with too much in our building.
I confiscated my first toy today! DaSean was bouncing a rubber ball in the middle of class. It’s going to make a nice addition to my collection.
Some of the kids noticed the birds coming to the window bird feeder. It will be nice if we can keep them coming all winter. I heard from Charles that he’s been transferred to another class. I ran into him in the office. He was complaining loudly to his teacher that he had been sent to the office without getting a warning.