Tuesday, February 1

Writing Lies

I am supposed to keep an eye on Rodney to see how long he can last in class before I have to talk to him. Official time: 0 seconds. He started screaming as soon as class started today. Then, the students had to evacuate his side of the room because his farts were stinking it up so much. The cafeteria served burritos for lunch today. I am sick of dealing with this kid. Every simple task is impossible. I am tired of having meetings about him. His behavior has not improved and I am just wasting a lot of time and energy on it. If I had known that he wouldn’t improve then I wouldn’t have bothered.
Allison is another one. She started wrestling with someone in the classroom before class started. We had a long talk in the hall. Through the whole talk she was dancing, singing, and yelling at friends. I finally got her focused and asked how she thought she should behave when she was in trouble. She asked if she was supposed to feel sad. I told her that if she didn’t then she should pretend. That started another long conversation. Finally, she calmed down and came into the room. A few minutes later I sent her to the office with a referral for throwing things. She stormed out cussing and then refused to go, peeking back into the room and saying that I had written lies about her.

1 comment:

DrEvil said...

Send your rodent to the united indian school, i promise, he'll experience so much racism and hate and humiliation, that he'll turn to one of those guys who don't want to be guys - if you know what i mean.