Wednesday, December 8

No Blood Stains

I took yesterday off. I had to work on a paper and a final that were due last night. I spent the whole day writing. Now, it feels good to be done—with one class, anyways. My other class ends on Monday.
It did not, however, feel good to be back today. The kids seem to be getting crazier and crazier. Allison was finally back from her big suspension. I didn’t miss her. Everyone’s just looking forward to the winter break.
The substitute seems to have done a good job while I was out. The room was still in one piece. Nothing was missing. No blood stains.
I managed to postpone my observation for a week. It was supposed to be today. It’s a good thing I got it changed because I wasn’t feeling like it and the kids weren’t either. The only problem is they’ll be even crazier next week.