Monday, November 22

What a Difference One Student Can Make

This is the Thanksgiving holiday week. There are only two days of school this week. Only two days. Take a deep breath. Exhale slowly. I can do this. It’s only one more day.
The kids were insane today. I battled all morning and through most of the afternoon. By the time my last class started I had zero patience left. One girl, Shauna, asked if she could get a drink of water before class started. I let her go and she disappeared. She showed up just as I had finally calmed everyone down. She came into the room yelling at her friends. I had to get everyone quieted down again. In the middle of my explanation of the warm-up activity, she suddenly walked to the front of the class and started writing on the board. I told her to sit down. When my back was turned she flinched at me. I don’t think she thought I would see her but she pulled back and pretended to hit me. I put her out, sending her to the time-out room. The whole class calmed down. It’s amazing what a difference one person can make. Two minutes later she was back, claiming that the time-out lady sent her back to get some work. I refused to let her in. Class was pleasant from then on.


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