Monday, November 29

'Crime Mob' is a Community Organization

Welcome back. I spent half of my planning time today trying to avoid the Professional Specialist. She wants to set up a time to observe my class. I want her to leave me alone. The other half of my planning time I spent with the reading specialist and Rodney. We tested him on his reading to see if we can help him with something. We’re not done yet but some things are already becoming apparent.
I caught Shauna writing gang names down today. She was doing it right in front of Malcolm who just got back from his gang-related suspension. I think she was trying to incite him to do something because she was writing the name of the rival gang. DaSean has been trying to set Malcolm off, too. I asked Shauna for the papers and she refused. I asked several more times and she crumpled them up and refused to let me see them. I finally got the papers from her and put her in the hallway, asking her to write an explanation of her behavior. When I got the explanation from her she had written, “Malcolm and Mr. Moore need to mind their own business.” I gave her a referral to the office.
After school, coincidentally, we’d scheduled a conference with Shauna's mother to talk about grades. I started telling her mother what had happened and she cut me off,
“You don’t know the street! You can’t change the street! ‘Crime Mob’ is a community organization! Your school PO’lice officer is supposed to be a resource officer! How come she don’t know that?”
We switched to the subject of grades. There was a bad feeling for the rest of the conference. Mom did not engage me much more verbally or visually. She glanced at me both suspiciously and aloof. Clearly, she believes that the teachers are the problem. I excused myself early to get to class but the whole thing is still bothering me.
The office secretary asked me for a referral form for Shauna. I guess the one I filled out never made it to the office. Shauna got ten days. She got five days for the gang writing and five more for being disrespectful to the principal. I wonder where she learned that from? I’m not sure but I think Shauna’s mother works at the school for an after-school program. I’ve long suspected that adult employees of the school are a connection to the gangs. I think some of the hall monitors and paraprofessionals are also involved.
Speaking of criminal activity, LJ dropped by briefly after school. He wanted to let me know that he won’t be in class tomorrow because he stole a bicycle. LJ always misses class and never mentions anything to me about it. I think he was trying to show off a little. It elevates the status of the kids when they get arrested or locked up. I took the time to tell him to talk to the judge respectfully.


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