Wednesday, October 6

What Nobody Ever Tells You About Interim Grading

Jamal was a real pain today. Probably the worst that I’ve ever had him. Before, the other teachers would complain and I’d just think, “He’s not that bad.” But if he’s acting everyday for them the way he acted for me today then he is that bad. The boy doesn’t want to shut up. I’m supposed to be coming up with some sort of special plan for him. His aunt has asked for testing. She says he’s headed for prison. I guess she just got custody of him last year. He moved up from his parents’ in Florida at the end of last school year. Then, he drove all the sixth grade teachers crazy in the short time that he had them.
I turned in interim grades today. That’s always a daunting task. There are always those parents who say, “Why didn’t you tell me my child had an F?” Then you say, “That’s what the interim is for,” and they get mad. Then, there are a lot of parents who complain if their student does well at interim time but then does badly on the report card. You can’t please everyone. I try to throw some tough assignments in there so that not everyone has perfect grades. If their grades are good then some of the kids will stop working.
Something happened in the cafeteria today. I’m not sure what but I guess the principal is making them have a silent lunch tomorrow. A bunch of students asked if they could have lunch in my room but I turned them down. I used to let students have lunch in my room but it got to be as much of a drag as having them in class. I’m glad they’re having silent lunch tomorrow. They normally come back from lunch completely crazy. I’m curious to see what it does for them.


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