Monday, October 4

More Scheduling Problems . . .

I just found out that I only have eighty-some students. I realized I was a little short but I didn’t realize I was that short. It’s because of the scheduling problems with the honors classes. My honors class is full. I have students whose parents want them in honors science so they get moved to another team. I lose my best students that way. Of course, I also lose a lot of parents who could be a real hassle. So now I have eighty-some kids. Last year, it was over a hundred.
I feel bad that I’m not carrying my share of the load this year but I’m also going to enjoy it while I can. You're probably thinking that a few kids doesn't make much of a difference but just one kid can make a huge difference. Of course, it depends on the kid. Sometimes you can have a class that is just awful. Then, someone is out for a day and the whole personality of the class improves.
I guess I’ll be getting all the new students since I have space in my classes. That’s too bad. Most of the transfer students are not that good. Some transfer because they get kicked out of other systems. Our good students, on the other hand, tend to transfer out of our school. We’ve already lost a couple that I wish we could have kept.


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