Wednesday, December 1

Maintain a Low Profile

It’s that time in the semester when everything is due. My night classes are killing me. Right now, I’m thinking, “It’s only Wednesday?” I think I’ll take Friday off. It’s a lot of work to take a day off but I need it. I have a twelve page paper due on Tuesday and I’ve barely started it. I won’t be able to get much done over the weekend because my weekends are even more busy than my workweek.
LJ was back in class today. I guess it was just a preliminary trial. He said he has to go back on January third. They should have just locked him up. He was crazy today.
We got some more news on Shauna. Mr. Burns just found out that she gave him a forged pass. She was late to his reading class and forged Ms. Lamb’s name on the pass. It’s another strike against her. We’ll see what happens next.
Ms. Helm has a parent who won’t leave her alone. It’s constant phone calls and emails. There doesn’t seem to be anything Ms. Helm can do to appease the woman. I pity her. I had a crazy parent who hounded me two years ago. It can add some gray hairs. I feel bad for Ms. Helm but also fortunate that she’s getting hounded, not me. I’m just trying to maintain a low profile and not attract too much attention.


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