Friday, May 20

Between Passing and Failing

Arome used to be right on the border between passing and failing. Now, she’s failing badly. Her whole grade depends on this quarter and she still doesn’t care. She could have her summer off (not have to go to summer school) but she would rather make my life miserable. Today, I told the class to get in groups of two. She organized a group of three then yelled at me when I told her it wouldn’t work. When I started to explain why, she put her fingers in her ears and started humming. I kicked her out. Twenty minutes later she was back, promising to be quiet. She continued to provide disruptions for the rest of the period. I’m angry but I also feel powerless. The administration created this situation by allowing her to get away with threatening me. The other day she got in trouble with Ms. Liger and told her, “Don’t you know what I told Mr. Moore?”

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